• Lease management - all you need to know

    The housing lease is a legal document that protects the owner of a rental property, as well as the tenant. This acts as an agreement setting out, among other things, the rental duration, the price of the rent, as well as the building rules.

    Here’s what you need to know as a property manager:

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  • ProMenu - Double authentication = Increased Food Safety!

    Double authentication is a good practice to put in place. What is the principle of it?

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  • Hopem Healthcare offers you SyMO Cloud hosting service.

    SyMO Cloud


    • Vos serveurs informatiques sont vieillissants?  

    • Vous êtes fatigué(e) de devoir faire appel à une firme externe pour vos services en TI? 

    • Vous souhaitez un hébergement sécuritaire, incluant des copies de sauvegarde et une redondance pour assurer la disponibilité de vos solutions informatiques? 

    • Vous ne voulez plus vous poser ces questions? 

    Je veux SyMO Cloud!

    Nous savons que de posséder une infrastructure informatique disposant de serveurs fonctionnels et dont les composantes sont à jour, représente un grand défi, sans parler de la capacité à embaucher un(e) technicien(ne) informatique fiable avec la pénurie de main-d’œuvre… ☹ 

    Hopem est donc très heureuse de vous proposer son nouveau service d’hébergement SyMO Cloud, entièrement géré par Hopem! 

    Depuis quelques années, nous offrons ce service à nos clients pour le logiciel Primmo et souhaitions vous en faire bénéficier pour l’ensemble de nos logiciels. Nous avons donc travaillé à rendre ce service disponible à vous qui utilisez SyMO.  

    Si vous devez appeler une équipe externe pour ces services TI, nous sommes en mesure de vous fournir une  solution par le biais de notre hébergement infonuagique. 

    Je veux SyMO Cloud!
    • Are your computer servers getting old??  

    • Are you tired of having to hire an outside firm for your IT services? 

    • Do you want secure hosting, including backup copies and redundancy to ensure the availability of your IT solutions? 

    • You don't want to ask yourself these questions anymore? 

    I want SyMO Cloud!

    We know that having an IT infrastructure with functional servers and up-to-date components is a big challenge, not to mention the ability to hire a reliable IT technician with the shortage of workforce. … ☹ 

    Therefore, Hopem is pleased to offer you its new SyMO Cloud hosting service, fully managed by Hopem! 

    We’ve been offering this service to our customers for several years now with Primmo software and we want you to benefit from it for all our software. Therefore, we’ve worked to make this service available to you currently using SyMO

    If you must call on an external team for these IT services, we’re fully able to provide you with part of the solution through our cloud hosting offer. 

    I want SyMO Cloud!
  • Our offices will be exceptionnally closed

    Hello dear customers,

    We would like to inform you that our offices will be exceptionally closed on Friday December 5th, 2023 from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. We recommend that you plan your activities for that day based on this information. If it is an emergency, contact us through the Customer Portal (https://portail.hopem.com/) or by email (support@hopem.com) and leave a detailed message, a support agent will provide you with a call-back as soon as possible.

    Thank you for your understanding

    The Customer Service Team

    Holidays: Our offices will be exceptionally closed on Friday December 25th and 26th, 2023, as well as January 1st and 2nd, 2024.

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